5 Practical Tips to Maintain Your Asphalt Parking Lot

Keeping up a parking lot appears to be a boring task, commonly underappreciated. To tell the truth, it will save your company time and money in the future and the long term.

There is nothing to stress about since you will not be left alone during the maintenance process. This blog will share the most effective tips for keeping your asphalt parking lot in good shape.

1.  Sweep and Clean Consistently

A clean parking lot appeals to visitors and prevents trash and debris from cracking and peeling off parking spaces.

Frequent cleaning would prevent pollutants like oil and dirt from spoiling the asphalt and the environment, maintain good traction for vehicles, and reduce the chance of car crashes.

Find the spots in your lot that gather water, fill each one with a patching compound, and modify the flat or slope as needed.

2.  Remove Standing Water

Seepage in your parking lot maintenance may be the source of some drainage problems, which, if left untreated, may cause major damage to the asphalt’s laying structure.

Accumulation from flooding can also weaken the underside of the plywood, causing cracks, falls, and pests to breed.

Otherwise, try absorbing larger and older stains with homemade absorbent materials such as sawdust or cat litter so that the oil is properly removed.

3.  Fill the Cracks

A cracked parking lot may be a hazard but it is also a water or debris entry point that can cause bigger damages over time. Filling cracks prevent water from getting inside the foundations of the pavement, which can force the pavement to sink and thus weaken the whole lot.

You will need to sweep any debris away, cut out the crack, and remove the vegetation and any loose material. Then, you should put the asphalt repair compound into the area where the crack occupies the asphalt.

4.Repave It

Sometimes, maintenance is not enough, and a parking lot needs a complete reconstruction, just like brick paver driveways. However, if an area is used very often and has a lot of damage, then the best solution is to repave it, which is more expensive but also a long-term solution. Repaving is not just for walking purposes but because it brings freshness and uniformity in appearance on account of safety and aesthetic concerns.

To achieve this, you need to start by breaking the old pavement, addressing any drainage or structural concerns, and then applying the new asphalt.

5. Go for Seasonal Maintenance

Your parking lot’s upkeep can change from season to season. The chill of winter and heat of summer require special standard maintenance that needs to be addressed appropriately.

During winter, apply de-icing products so as not to allow ice formation and to protect the asphalt driveway material against the cycles of freeze-thaw that may make the asphalt heave and crack.

During summer, applying a reflective coating on pavement may be considered to minimize the UV rays and decrease ambient temperature in the parking lot area.

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